Title Tag

What Is Page Title Tag?

A title tag is an HTML attribute that forms part of the search engine result page, the page title tag is one of the most important on-page ranking factors.

Why You Need It

Title tags help search engine to know what your web page is all about and if it is relevant to a search inquiry.

What SEO Pyramid Offers

A good title pays attention to length, that is why the SEO pyramid plugin has a recommended length of 60 characters that help to guide you to create a page title that isn’t too long.

Tips for A Good Page Title:

  • Every page on your website should be unique in content and your title tags should reflect that. Ensure you customize the title tags on each page of your website so that they accurately describe what’s on that page. You want your title tag to signal to search engines crawlers what that page is about.
  •  Most search engine like Google will display 50-60 characters of a title tag before cutting the rest off, so you should generally aim for title tags that are around 50 characters or less.
  • To be safe, the SEO pyramid counts in real time the number of characters you input and ensure it doesn’t exceed 60 characters. You want the most important or descriptive words in the keyword toward the beginning so they’re less likely to get cut off.
  • Since Google’s algorithm uses the title tag as one of the main ways to determine what a page is about, it’s a good opportunity for you to include the main keyword or keywords you’re targeting for that page. That makes it clear to Google that this page is relevant for anyone searching for that specific term. Let your main keyword appear only once in the title tag is best to avoid keyword stuffing.

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